Learn about the potential for offsite exposures from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory at the next SSFL Work Group Meeting:
Wednesday, June 18th 6:30 PM
Simi Valley Cultural Arts Center
3050 E. Los Angeles Avenue, Simi Valley, CA 93065
The meeting will include a featured presentation on:
The Potential for Offsite Exposures Associated with the Santa Susana Field Laboratory by Dr. Yoram Cohen, Professor of Chemical Engineering, UCLA Institute for the Environment and Sustainability, Director of the Water Technology Research Center and the Center for Environmental Risk Reduction.
Professor Cohen headed a team of researchers from UCLA and other institutions that conducted a multi-year study funded by the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry on potential migration of contaminants from SSFL to nearby communities.
Other presentations will include:
- Breakdown of ~200 Incidents of Pollution Limit Exceedances in Surface Water Runoff from SSFL
- Perchlorate in Simi Valley Wells
- Recent Developments About DOE, NASA, and DTSC Cleanup Agreements
- How Much Contamination Would Remain On-Site If the Cleanup Agreements Were Not Followed