Category: Boeing

Local Residents, Governments and Elected Officials, Community, Health, and Environmental Organizations Tell DTSC: Uphold the SSFL Cleanup Commitments

Maggie Compton and son Ryan, a leukemia survivor, deliver petition to DTSC demanding it keep SSFL cleanup promises

Thousands of comments submitted on DTSC’s draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the SSFL cleanup criticized the agency for violating cleanup agreements by proposing to leave potentially vast amounts of nuclear and chemical contamination on site.

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FOR RELEASE: Has Boeing Absolutely No Shame?

“Protect Santa Susana from Boeing,” a new website launched today by cleanup advocates, reveals Boeing’s underhanded efforts to get out of cleaning up its SSFL contamination. The groups also decry the state toxic department’s newly released draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for breaking the agency’s previous commitments to a full cleanup.

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Boeing Breaks Longstanding Commitments to Clean Up Contamination at Santa Susana

Boeing has long committed to cleaning up the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) to a level that would be safe for people to live there, even though it said residences on the site weren’t anticipated, in order to protect the tens of thousands of people who do live nearby and are at risk from the migrating contamination. and says it instead wants to leave a thousand times higher concentrations of contamination than it promised.

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Say NO to Boeing’s unacceptable risk! Sign the petition to Senators Boxer and Feinstein for full SSFL cleanup!

A new analysis of Boeing’s risk assessments shows shockingly high contamination and risk – both now and after its weak proposed cleanup. If Boeing prevails, the vast majority of contamination on its property at SSFL will not be cleaned up and nearby communities will continue to be at risk through offsite migration. This is unacceptable! Please sign a new petition, to Senators Boxer and Feinstein and share widely with your friends and neighbors!

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SSFL Work Group Meeting to Focus on Runkle Canyon, Brandeis-Bardin – March 16, 2016

The SSFL Work Group will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, March 16 at 6:30 pm at the Simi Valley Cultural Arts Center in Simi Valley. The Work Group will take a closer look at whether contamination from SSFL migrated to Runkle Ranch and the Brandeis-Bardin Institute and will examine troubles at the state toxics agency (DTSC), which oversees the SSFL cleanup and has come under fire for failing to protect many communities in California.

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